This event was organized by SoCS ( School of Computer Science ) Community Organizer a.k.a HIMTI, opened for all of the new SoCS students only.
It was held at BPPT building on the 12th of September, 2015. Even though the event started at a pretty late morning ( 10 A.M), I got into the first shift on the bus’ schedules, which went at 6.30 AM. Not like I have things to do on the bus, I slept all the way to BPPT. When I, we arrived there, some people already waiting at the place; either they went by themselves, or from the other campus, from Alam Sutera.
When I arrived at BPPT, it was around 7.45 AM. And after me and my friends re-register the attendance list, we went to a showcase of applications made by our seniors and alumnus of SoCS.
After the showcase, we took a Picture with the Event Logo Behind us. Too bad, I still didn’t get the photo so I can’t post it here. Then, we entered the hall. We, the seven of us, took the seats at the higher plane of the chairs since the other places already occupied with a lot of people that can’t hold another 7 people. For several hours, we were being shown with the bigwigs from the SoCS Departments. Truthfully, it was so boring. I even have to finished up my emergency candy rations for when I got sleepy.
When the first break arrived, I immediately went to the bathroom to wash my face. And I also heard that Bear Brand ( one of the sponsors ) was holding a free campaign before I went to the bathroom, but when I arrived at the booth, one of the clerks said that the campaign for the first break was over. Actually, before I went to the bathroom, I asked one of the seniors guarding the gate if I can went outside to join the free campaign, but he shooed me away. Damn you, one of the HIMTI committee whose name I don’t know even until now.
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Anyway, after the first break over, one of my friend offered me his bear brand humbly after seeing my dilemma. I appreciate it a lot, vice-class president. I respect you. I love you. Oh, and about food, we got one box for lunch, but it was just too small. #nokidding #LOL
The second half of the event consisted of several main performances about how HIMTI works ( supposedly so ). And after those performances ended, came the second break. That time, I immediately ran to the Bear Brand Booth. After I got there, I have to wait for the field to be filled first for around 15 minutes. Argh, I hate this. Then, we played a mini game. Note that the mini games consisted of several stretching and a quiz; no win nor loss. We all got BEAR BRAND! YAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!
Back to the story…
After the second break was over, all of the participants were being told to gather at the first floor of the hall. Then for around until 6 PM we danced, partied, taking prizes, etc like crazy. What about me? Halfway through I was tired and retired to the back of the hall and sit down leisurely with some of my friends. I mean, what gives you if you could choose to sit at the corner of the hall rather than standing in fronts which was near the bass sounds ( very large it breaks my hearing ), filled with people that jumping up and down like maniacs and sweaty old guy ( NOT XD hahaha ). After the party ended, I met up again with my friends who kept on partying in the front. At the exit doors, there are stationed a booth that handed us a goodie bag as well as the event’s t-shirt. I pick the ‘L’ one since I usually took the L size when I bought my shirts ( but it seems like I was wrong, it was bigger an inch than I thought lol ).
When we got out of the building, several buses has been waiting for us lining up like a colony of ants. Then, we were divided to a different buses since the buses capacity could only hold 20 pairs ( 40 seats ). For the return journey, I spent my time sleeping again. After I arrived at Binus Anggrek Building, I waited for all of my friends to arrive there since we promised we would go eat together.
But, waiting for them to come one by one was really annoying ( I mean I have to wait for almost 1 hour and that was already around 8.30 PM ). I haven’t even dropped off my laundry and the laundry stall closed at 9 PM. No, wait, that’s for another story. This sentence will end the story of my experiences in joining the HTTP SHINE event. Thanksies~
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